1:1 Nutrition Programs

You can nourish your body without obsessing over food, exercise, and body image.

Can you relate?

  • You have a complicated relationship to food- you may spend most of your day thinking about food, seeing food as good and bad, have food fears, have tried intuitive or mindful eating, or have a past history of disordered eating.

  • You are confused about nutrition advice and don’t know what to eat, but you desire to nourish your body and FEEL good.

  • You are experiencing bloating, constipation, digestive disorders, and you just want to be able to button your jeans and feel comfortable. 

  • You have days where you just don’t feel comfortable in your body and struggle with body image.

  • You feel constantly stressed out and tired, you just wish you could take a break.

  • You have been on a constant journey of “healing your health” but feel like your not getting anywhere.

  • You struggle with irregular, painful, or missed menstrual cycles with PMS symptoms.

  • You have spent years hopping from one diet to the next, trying every detox program under the sun, spent thousands of dollars on supplements to see no improvement.

Conditions I Work With.

  • Disordered Eating

  • Endocrine Disorders: PCOS, blood sugar regulation, pre-diabetes, thyroid disorders, adrenal insufficiency, hormone/ menstrual cycle support

  • Gastrointestinal Conditions: IBS, SIBO, H. Pylori, GERD, bloating, constipation

  • Food allergies and sensitivities: Gluten, dairy, Celiac Disease

  • Weight loss/ weight management (by supporting the body, no drastic dieting)

How It Works.

As a functional nutritionist I believe in supporting the entire body rather than just treating a symptom. I review your dietary intake, medical history, labwork, medications, supplements, lifestyle factors like sleep, stress, and trauma to better understand your body to craft a plan that is individualized to you. As a team, you and I will work together to make small but lasting changes for your health.

The Method.

  • Believe it or not, nutrition isn’t just about tracking calories or restricting carbohydrates or fat. It’s actually about providing the body with the right nutrients so it can thrive. This may actually look like eating more food, or eating foods rich in B vitamins to support hormones, blood sugar, and your nervous system. Rather than restricting food we can develop a plan to incorporate all foods, help your body thrive, and reduce symptoms.

  • After years of dieting and stress around food your hunger signals may not even be available to you. Eating may be rushed and stressful. Together we will work to help you relearn your hunger cues, differentiate between emotional hunger cues and true hunger, and practice mindful eating for proper digestion.

  • Do you feel like you are running away from a bear all day long and never finding safety? If so I feel you and I’ve been there. When the body is constantly stressed, feeling unsafe, and living in fight or flight, vital nutrients are depleted, digestion is slowed, and hormones can get dysregulated. Together we will work to reduce stress to support the body and just so you can feel better, because no one wants to feel stressed 24/7.

  • Oh the digestive system. If you have been struggling with dieting and disordered eating I know that you probably know the digestive system struggles. SO many factors impact gut health. Together we can work to heal the gut in a way that isn’t a weird detox protocol and will actually help you to button your jeans.

  • I think every woman at some point in her life was told to try the pill to fix their hormone problems and probably found that their symptoms were still there or got worse when they came off the pill. It is possible to have a normal menstrual cycle by incorporating stress management and adding in vital nutrients.

  • Finally the functional approach to nutrition! Have you ever been to the doctor with a list of symptoms and you receive your lab work and they tell you “everything looks normal”, but you feel terrible? Yes, I’ve been there! As a functional nutritionist I assess your entire body, all of your symptoms, your history, and address the root of the root of the problem rather than just treating one symptom.

1 Month Starter Package.

  • 75-Minute Initial Consultation

  • (1) 45- Minute Follow-Up Consultation 

  • Personalized plan designed for your unique health goals including nutrition, lifestyle, and supplements (as needed)

  • Personalized recipes and meal plan recommendations (as needed)

  • Support in body image and mindful eating practices

  • Labwork review and suggestions

  • Supplement review and suggestions

  • Email and chat support in-between sessions for support on plan and goals

  • All consultations are held virtually

* Many individuals choose to continue sessions after one month, because small changes take time

Investment- $225

4 Month Deep Dive Package.

  • 75-Minute Initial Consultation

  • (7) 45- Minute Follow-Up Consultations

  • Personalized plan designed for your unique health goals including nutrition, lifestyle, and supplements (as needed)

  • Personalized recipes and meal plan recommendations (as needed)

  • Support in body image and mindful eating practices

  • Labwork review and suggestions

  • Supplement review and suggestions

  • Email and chat support in-between sessions for support on plan and goals

  • All consultations are held virtually

    Investment: 160/ month

My Philosophy

My Philosophy

  • We will work together to create goals and changes that fit your lifestyle 

  • I believe in health at every size

  • I don’t believe in restrictive diets or food rules, no cheat days here!

  • Your symptoms will always be honored, they are not just in your head and we will work to get to the root of your symptoms

  • You can live a healthy life free from food and exercise obsession

  • There is no judgment here, no failures, just learning lessons to create a better future and plan to meet your goals

  • Everything I recommend is just a suggestion, you know your body best

  • You will always be heard, you are not just a number
